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Lomography La Sardina: A History

Lomography La Sardina: a boat on a beach being pushed into the sea.

Packed with a whole load of experimental and creative possibilities, the La Sardina is the latest addition to a long line of Lomography cameras. Whilst it's name is inspired by the way the shape reflects the humble sardine can, the La Sardina's design pays a slight homage to rare cameras from the 1930s.

The Irwin corporation released a series of cameras in the 1930s  that would turn out to inspire many camera designs - including the La Sardina. The design comes from a line of 'Candid Cameras', a family of novelty 'Kandor' cameras which utilised a rare '127 format' roll film which has almost died out now. This design and film was extremely popular in the 1950s, as they were marketed as a great novelty cameras sold in 'dime' and drug stores. The Irwin Corporation produced a number of these compact, sardine can cameras including the Lark, Komet and Kandor Junior.

Lomography La Sardina: a dog asleep on a red blanket.

If you fast forward more than seventy years, this small comedy camera has now been transformed into a exciting and innovative piece of kit. Whilst remaining true to the beautiful analogue relic design, the La Sardina is now packed with a whole host of features including:

An Awesome 22mm Wide-Angle Plastic Lens MX Switch and Rewind Knob - Multiple exposures have never been so easy! 2 Simple-to-use Focusing Settings Bulb Setting for Long Exposure

The La Sardina is all about maximum creativity and capturing great shots quickly, built for some serious experimental fun.

Lomography La Sardina: a smiling old man leaning against a wall.
Sarah Atkinson
Sarah Atkinson Writer and expert

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