Nirrimi Hakanson

Nirrimi Hakanson's photography wouldn't look out of place in any major fashion magazine. Perhaps it would surprise you to learn therefore that her first ever photography job was taking pictures of 'strippers for sleazy ads' at age fifteen and that in high school she was passing everything but failing her photography class.
In fact, few biographies read so much like a film script, dropping out of school to pursue her dreams, falling madly in love with another photographer on the other side of the country (Australia) and stealing her mother's credit card to book a flight on a whim to be with her new lover. Living on basic amenities, and sleeping rough a lot of the time too, the couple stayed madly in love and began to travel the world, going to France, Italy, Indonesia, New Zealand, America, India & Vietnam. Winning one international photography and two national ones, she used her winnings to fund her equipment, flights and even a bond on a new apartment before becoming the youngest fashion photographer to be signed to an agency.
Soon the pair began to work together, shooting their first major campaign with Diesel in New York (2010), something which she describes as a 'crazy introduction to the industry'. Shortly before shooting a Billabong campaign in Europe, the pair found out they were going to have a child. You guessed it, Nirrimi spent the pregnancy travelling and shooting amazing photographs with her partner in crime.
Now with a young daughter called Alba Joy Firebrace, Nirrimi continues to shoot whilst her partner makes film. Here at Coggles we're completely in love with her photography style, each photograph showcasing her passion for photography and life in general to great extent. The fashion element of her work is ever present, but imbued with a sense of soul. We love her work and hope you do too.