In Conversation with Résumé | Emma Lohmann and Anne Louise Faurholt

1. Hey Emma & Alf! Thanks for taking the time to speak with Coggles today. We’d like to kick things off and ask where your own love of fashion came from?
Alf: We grew up with both parents and grandparents in the fashion industry. I guess it came very naturally. I really tried to find another road for myself, as I thought doing the same as my parents was ridiculously predictable, but at the end of the day, this is what I am good at. I love the creative process and the fact that fashion is changeable.
2. Tell us about yourself!
Alf: We grew up in Ikast a small Danish town where the main occupation for the people there is clothing production. In Ikast you do not call it a summer holiday, but a textile holiday. Just to emphasize how big an influence the clothing industry has in that community!

3. Where were you when you got the idea to hit the market with Résumé?
Alf: We were on a holiday in Barcelona. I just quit my job as design manager at a medium-sized Danish fashion brand in Aarhus. After 9 years in the same company, I thought it was time to do something totally different, maybe go travelling for some months. But after 2 bottles of wine Emma convinced me that starting up a new brand was a perfect idea. And the rest is history.
Emma: We when got the idea we both had jobs in the industry. I worked as a brand manager at a Danish shoe brand called Notabene which produces exclusive footwear.
4. Can you tell us about expanding from a small family run business into a worldwide brand?
Alf: It really came out of nowhere. I remember one summer where we released a collection called “Daisy”, and suddenly we could see this daisy print everywhere. After that, it just went really fast. We attended the official show calendar during CPH Fashion week in 2018 and the interest afterwards was enormous especially from international buyers.
Emma: We have been in the middle of the process, and we didn’t really realize how things were going even though we knew things were going the right way, if that makes sense. We want things to come naturally, and we want Résumé to grow slow and steady even though we of course have big dreams, goals, and visions for our company.
5. What does a typical day look like for you?
Alf: I love mornings. The hours before work are holy to me. I love listening to the radio while drinking my coffee. 2-3 times a week I will go for a run followed by a swim in the harbour. We are so lucky to live in a big city surrounded by a harbour clean enough for swimming. Then I will go to the office, which is only 5 minutes cycle from my home. In the evening we will meet friends, go to our allotment outside Copenhagen or just stay in. I guess my hobbies change a lot. At the moment I make a lot of linoleum prints.
6. If you could play us a song each, what would they be?
Alf: “Caminoen” with Danish musician Uffe Lorenzen. He sings about cycling through Copenhagen and through all the different areas and passes all the spots that are characterizing the city. You really feel it all.
Emma: The song Seabird by Alessi Brothers because it reminds me of good memories; summer, my family, my daughter, and my boyfriend. It’s about coming home, and I like the thought of always finding your way home to you safe side.
7. How important is sustainability?
Alf: At Résumé we continuously work on sustainability within a wide range of areas. We strive to become better each day whether it is concerned our design process, production or small everyday changes at the office. In 2019 we decided, as a part of our business strategy, to make a greater effort on sustainability when it comes to our collections. The last collection we send out which was PAIX Pre Autumn 21 was 40% sustainable according to materials. We will always choose fabrics as organic cotton, recycled polyester etc. when it makes sense. Also, we believe in small collections and less sales samples. The hit rate from sales samples to production is 95 %, which means a minimum waste of sales samples. Many leftover samples are donated to non-profit organizations.
Emma: The pandemic also has forced us to become more digital which has had an impact on our environment. In the beginning of 2020, we developed a virtual showroom where our partner and customers could visualize the collection without being there physically. This has made it possible for us to sell worldwide and it is now a part of our digital strategy. Furthermore, this has given us new possibilities but also, we are able to impact the environment positively with less travel. The pandemic has been an education for us.

We feel that it is our responsibility as a fashion brand to continuously develop and make progress. Today we don’t make any choices without a sustainable mindset. To pursue the goal of incorporating a sustainable mindset into all choices we make it requires a willingness to search for new knowledge. We need to educate Résumé employees and ourselves on this journey.
8. Ok both, last up, where is your favourite place to grab lunch in Copenhagen?
Alf: Hmmmm that’s a tough one. I believe that Copenhagen is one of the best capitals when it comes to food. There are so many different options in all price levels. I really cannot choose!
Emma: As Alf says there is so many good places in Copenhagen, but I often stop by Sonny’s since its close to my home and the office and they make really good and simple food.

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