Seasonal Summer Workout Trends: Get The Kit

If there has ever been a time to get outdoors and exercise, it is summer, and now the season is upon us, it is time to get active. From the busy stresses of everyday life, exercise can provide an outlet like no other claimant remedy. Not only are there multiple health benefits, but exercising can stimulate the brain and energise thought processes.
As we so often hear, mental health is a huge topic amongst current conversation and something that shouldn't be brushed over lightly. Studies have shown that the more active you are day-to-day, the more likely you are to think more positively about situations. If that isn’t enough motivation to get you up and out in the morning or down to the park in the afternoon, perhaps the physical benefits might incline you more...
Some may say there is a subconscious pressure to keep up with such a perceived lifestyle, and that pressure in itself fuels interest into health and fitness. By default, health and fitness has become a trend, one that is constantly changing, multiplying and adopting global attention with audiences at large.
Utilising outdoor spaces, new technology and fashion, taking part in exercise has broadened as much in its scope as it has in opportunity. To discover these trends, Coggles has listed below the seasonal trends in workouts and picked out our favourite fashion and technological pieces from LNDR, LucasHugh, Koral, P.E Nation and more, to help facilitate them.
Hot Yoga
If the sun isn’t hot enough for you already, head to hot yoga to sweat out all your toxins. This trend not only cleanses your body of its impurities, but helps relax muscles, reduce injuries, improves breathing through exercises and increases flexibility whilst boosting your immune system. Whilst most hot yoga practices have many tips and health benefits to offer you, they do often require you to bring your own mat…
Personal Training
Once a luxury experienced by celebrities, now a popular option for people wanting quick results, motivation and nutritional support. Working with a trainer not only brings educational benefits on fitness, but encourages progression, monitoring and tracking of your lifestyle. Most often, videos are circulated demonstrating a session in a gym, but since the weather has improved, back gardens and parks are being made use of. Park stairwells have never seen such a high footfall.
Group Running
Running can be a tiresome activity, and can become a lonesome trek when without company. Group running thrives off this demand for excitable routes with like-minded joggers. Although this trend encourages conversation, talking whilst running is a breathless and unattainable task. Take some headphones for the run and enjoy a cold refreshment at the end with your fellow runners. Training together with others can improve knowledge on fitness and the importance of it for your future. Avoid mixing up your bottle amongst the group and pick a vibrant patterned one - it will never get lost in the crowd.
Before Work Sessions
Gone are the days when working individuals would have to drag themselves to the gym after work, when their mind and body were both in denial of their tiredness. Morning sessions are on a real rise. From a morning run, to a quick gym session, the morning benefits haven't gone unrecognised. From the increased alertness to the boosted metabolism, a trip to the gym before work has become a preference for many. To aid you in this pre-work session, trade in your moisturiser for a quick absorbing gel and adopt our gym bag essentials to prepare you for the day.

A minimalist fashion fan with high interests in the odd print or check. Constantly trying to make my home look like a catalogue; you can find me shopping for cute bedding, candles and other Instagrammable interior accessories.