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Altered Appliances

altered appliances

From patterned rolling pins that cut out edible plates to a meat grinder that creates biodegradable bowls, the students from Rotterdam's Piet Zwart Institute have taken low tech kitchen products to a whole new level.

Rollware is a set of laser-cut rolling pins designed by Joanne Choueiri, Giulia Cosenza and Povilas Raskevicius, they create edible plates that you can transform into pizza bases, bowls or anything that your heart desires. We love the concept nearly as much as we love the design of the rolling pins, plus it saves on the washing up.

The Flip Food lunch box Ilias Markolefas and Nathalia Martinez Saavedra is the brown paper lunch bag from the future. Stencils and cut outs merge together to create a geometric lunchbox when folded. Plastic containers can be hidden within and re-used for containing fruit.

Coneformation measuring cups are created by pouring precise amounts of salt onto a surface, covering with water so they harden and then pouring a runny clay over them forming measuring bowls.

Extrudough is a meat grinder that creates biodegradable bowls and plates, just grind away the soft dough onto the pre formed mould, leave to dry and enjoy.

For further information about The Piet Zwart Institute, click here.

Clare Potts
Clare Potts Writer and expert

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