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Bio 50 Engine Block

The Bio 50 Engine Block is part of a design movement, one which we must tell you about before explaining the piece itself. We must first introduce you to the BIO Foundation.

Fifty years ago the foundation was created to change the world, but not through momentous shifts in technology or leadership, these changes were designed to be small, trivial and to fit into everyday life. With the purpose of making small changes to inherently change the way we function on an everyday basis, BIO has been devoted to presenting the best in design and industrial production to help make this shift possible.

Bio 50 Engine Block

Products featured within the BIO Foundation utilise the underutilised and bring focus to the difficulties and problems of today, with the intention of one day solving these issues.

The Engine Block is one such product. Created by Re-Do Studio alongside Ricardo Carneiro and Antoine Monnet, the Engine Block is intended to open up a world of opportunities for motor tools and vehicles. The block is an interchangeable engine, powering a series of different products from a motorbike to a boat motor. This piece wouldn’t be out of place in a modernised Mad Max.

For more information about the Bio 50 and the Engine Block, visit the websitehere.

Bio 50 Engine BlockBio 50 Engine Block

Imagery property of Re-Do Studio.

Clare Potts
Clare Potts Writer and expert

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