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Be Good to Your Mind | The Benefits of Keeping Active

 If we've learnt anything in the past year it's to consider our mind, body and soul. Whether you’re striving to get a workout in at least three times a week, or simply make that barre class each Sunday. Becoming more active not only promotes healthy results for your body, but has proven benefits for your mind as well. 
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Never have we been more mindful of our mental health. In a study conducted by Twitter in November 2019, conversation using the phrases well-being and self-care were up 225% since 2016. This uplift in search only clarifies that we’re now considering our minds as priority, similar to our physique with #selfcaresunday trending on the regular.

#1 Endorphins

It's a well known fact that when you exercise your body releases 'feel good' hormones called endorphins. Endorphins help us to develop a greater happiness in our minds post-workout, known to reduce anxiety and stress, and we can all benefit from that.
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#2 Focus

Not only this but taking time out of your day-to day to switch off and focus solely on your breath, flow and movement is exactly what you're brain craves after a hectic day.

#3 Connecting with People

Long gone are the days of the treadmill being your only gym buddy. The popularity of gym classes and alternative work out sessions has increased ten fold over the past few years, with a multitude of fun gym classes and team activities on offer across the country. Get into a weekly routine, find your favourite and meet new people.

  • Yoga - Yoga promotes various mindfulness benefits, as the slow flowing movements helps to increase body awareness, relieve stress, reduce muscle tension as well as calming the nervous system and giving you the time to concentrate of your breath.
  • Barre class - Inspired by pilates and ballet, the workout targets the whole body and taking a beginners class is a great way to meet people like you.
  • Group HIT classes - For high intensity, HIT classes will combine cardio and toning exercises and leave you with a real feeling of achievement. Take the class with a friend and encourage them to keep going!
  • Running groups - Get to know your local area at the same time as making new friends by joining your local running group.

#4 Sleep

An over active brain at night is only going to lead to one thing, insomnia. Physical activity can quite literally help to tire you out, therefore giving you a more restful sleep. If you struggle to sleep at night, fear not, get to know your mind and body by exploring the apps and devices that can monitor your bodily rhythms, we'd recommend checking out the below.

  • Headspace - Initially launched as a meditation app, it's also great for sending you off to sleep via their hour long calming bedtime stories.
  • Slumber - Choose from a variety of white noise like rain or the ocean, bedtime stories or calming meditation.
  • Calm - Similar to the previous sleep apps, Calm offers a range of bedtime stories and meditation, however a selection of Calm's stories are read aloud by celebrities, including Hollywood actor Matthew McConaughey.



Emma Bowkett
Emma Bowkett Writer and expert

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